Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Stars and Stripes

The GIs have had it:

WASHINGTON - Seventy-two percent of troops on the ground in Iraq think U.S. military forces should get out of the country within a year, according to a Zogby poll released Tuesday.

The survey of 944 troops, conducted in Iraq between Jan. 18 and Feb. 14, said that only 23 percent of servicemembers thought U.S. forces should stay "as long as they are needed."

Of the 72 percent, 22 percent said troops should leave within the next six months, and 29 percent said they should withdraw "immediately." Twenty-one percent said the U.S. military presence should end within a year; 5 percent weren't sure.


And of course, they don't really mean it:


But Loren Thompson, a military analyst with the Lexington Institute, said troops who say the U.S. should withdraw could be concerned for their own safety, or they could be optimistic about progress so far, or they could simply be opposed to the idea of operations in Iraq.

"You have to pick apart each servicemember's thought process to understand what that means," he said. "I think this is about personal circumstances, and not proof there is a higher rate of troops who desire departure."


Um, dickface? When the GIs see the only purpose they're serving is as targets for any idiot with an AK or RPG, when they see their mates killed and maimed every day and the violence only getting worse, they see what their government thinks of them. That's what their thought processes are all about. Maybe this clown should grab a rifle and head over there. Wonder how long it will be before he wants to come home? Fucking idiot.

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