Sunday, March 19, 2006

Three years on

So, we're here again. Another anniversary of this misbegotten war. In a couple months, we'll be celebrating the anniversary of that great day when our 'war president' touched down on the deck of an aircraft carrier and said 'mission accomplished'. Thing is, I don't know what more I can say that I haven't already.

This nation was led into this war under false pretenses. We were lied to and that makes the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. a murderer. There is the blood of over 2300 American souls on his hands for that alone. There are also 60 - 100,000 Iraqis who have lost their lives for a lie.

This war has also enriched many corporations, most who have strong ties to this administration. They have been allowed to loot our treasury and pay no penalty. They are worse than traitors, more like graverobbers, counting their loot as military families struggle to pay bills and and attempt to make up for the absence of a loved one.

The only people this war serves are the bloodthirsty and the profiteers, the ideologues and the fanatics. We've destroyed a nation that was no threat and we've destroyed our credibility as a nation of principle. Over the last five years, the world has seen the worst of this nation, hopefully not our true character. It is time to get the warmongers out and this November we can begin that process with the Congress. Neither our nation, or our military, can stand another three years of war in Iraq.

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