Tuesday, April 18, 2006

And so it begins

They're trying to do to the generals what they did to John Kerry. I got news for 'em, these guys are a lot tougher than John Kerry ever was. They're not running for office and have distinguished records going back 30 - 40 years; they wouldn't be wearing stars if they didn't.

It's one thing when you're a rich kid feeling his youthful oats to go off to war for a few years, it's another when you're talking about men (and hopefully a few women will join them) who've made warfighting their business. Shit like this won't fly:

...The piece goes on to criticize General Zinni because he never even fought in the Iraq war...

As if Zinni's not fighting in this particular war would disqualify him from speaking on the subject. As if! The lovely Karena makes this point well:

...It is hard to claim that Zinni knows not what he speaks of seeing how he is a four star General with 39 years in the Marines and an expertise in the Middle East...

And how many wars have the Swift boaters and Yellow Elephants fought? Karena goes on to say the generals are to blame for Rummy's failure in Iraq because:


The opinion piece claims that the problems should be blamed on the Generals because they went against Rummy's wishes and failed to advance in Baghdad aggressively and pushed back against Rummy's desire to go into Fallujah sooner. What happened to Rummy's repeated claims that he listens to and trusts the Generals on the ground and will give them more troops if they ask for them, but things are going so swimmingly well, what with picking up all the rose petals and candies, they hardly need more troops.


Ever think these guys know Rummy's big plans are pure Machiavellian fantasy? General Shinseki said we needed a quarter to half million troops on the ground before the balloon went up on this misbegotten adventure.

Swift boating the generals won't work. These men have proven their expertise and have unassailable records. These are men whom others willingly follow into battle, something the Rethugs know nothing about. An exercise in futility for the Rethugs and it might well come back to bite them in the ass. One can dream.

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