Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bush pardons Republican donor

The Carpetbagger Report

On the surface, Franchi's story seems fairly routine. He was convicted in 1983 of tax evasion, served two years' probation and paid a $20,000 fine, before completing eight hours of community service. This week, Franchi was one of 11 people to receive a rare Bush pardon.

As reader K.Z. noted, however, Franchi is also a generous Republican donor. Since Bush took office, Franchi has donated nearly $4,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Given the way Republicans manufactured "pardongate," coupled by how unusual a Bush pardon is, isn't it worth exploring the question of impropriety here? The natural response would be that Franchi's $4,200 in Republican contributions isn't that much money by GOP standards, but isn't it possible that pardons are cheaper under Bush?

Put it this way: if it were Clinton, wouldn't this be all over Fox News?

Bush knows ya gotta dance with the one whut brung ya.

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