Thursday, April 20, 2006

Damned liberal media

Why can't they show good news? Oh, you mean like this?

A new poll of leaders of Iraqi women's-rights groups finds that women were treated better and their civil rights were more secure under deposed President Saddam Hussein than under the faltering and increasingly sectarian U.S.-installed government.

This is doubly troubling. It's troubling first because the Bush administration used the issue of women to justify its now widely criticized invasion of Iraq in part by promising to improve the situation of women.

It's troubling second because the administration has issued news releases, held public meetings and tried to gain media attention (as well as U.S. public support) for all the "good" it's supposedly doing the women of Iraq via this invasion.


Yeah, so how's that 'hearts and minds' thing going? Thought so. Oh well, at least Afghanistan is going well, right?

KABUL, Afghanistan - A massive explosion believed to have been caused by a rocket shook the Afghan capital late Wednesday near the U.S. Embassy compound, wounding an Afghan security contractor, officials said.


Well, maybe not. Oh yeah, the opium poppy crop will be bigger this year than ever, that means heroin prices should go down here, right?

THE Capital faces being hit by an influx of cheap and dangerously pure heroin following a bumper opium crop in Afghanistan, drug experts warned today.



Thanks to Maru for the directions.

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