Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dear Shitforbrains Mr. Bush,

Since supporting the war for you means sending other peoples' children to die in your fuckup in the desert, let me show you how the Prince of Wales does it:

Prince Harry graduates from Sandhurst this morning as a commissioned officer in the Army.

The 21-year-old third in line to the throne will be watched by his grandparents the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, his father the Prince of Wales, stepmother the Duchess of Cornwall and brother Prince William as he marches in the military college's Sovereign's Parade.


He has chosen to train in the Blues and Royals' armoured reconnaissance unit, meaning he could see action in war zones.

The Blues and Royals have been deployed in almost every major Army operation of the past two decades, including the Falklands, both Gulf wars, Bosnia and Kosovo. [my em]


I'm sure we'll be seeing Jenna and not-Jenna at a local D.C. recruiting office any day now.

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