Tuesday, April 4, 2006

DeLay will resign


Succumbing to scandal, former Majority Leader
Tom DeLay said Tuesday he is resigning from Congress in the face of a tough re-election race, closing out a career that blended unflinching conservatism with a bare-knuckled political style.

Bush said the Republican Party won't suffer from DeLay's decision to resign from Congress. "My own judgment is that our party will continue to succeed because we are the party of ideas."

I just had to put that one in there. It took a long time to get all the coffee and Danish out of my keyboard!

DeLay, who turns 59 on Saturday, said he would make his resignation effective sometime before mid-June but contingent on the congressional calendar.

If it was up to me, Security would have escorted him out of the building instantly.

This is good news. He is probably the worst, most powerful, criminal bastard to ever grace Congress' tainted halls. That takes some doing. Good riddance. The Republic will be more secure without him.

A word to our Texas friends: Elect Lampson, and make sure DeLay gets locked up.

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