Saturday, April 22, 2006

Foreign policy

There's a reason for diplomats other than going to parties. They know how to use a stiletto rather than opt for a bludgeon. They understand the consequences of our actions and choose a path that hopefully avoids creating pitfalls for us in the long run. Unfortunately, the Chimp considers Condi and John Bolton diplomats.


But in another setback to the Bush Administration, and showing their gratitude for what Bush just gave them for violating the NPT, India and Iran announced today that despite White House opposition, the two countries and Pakistan would work towards agreement on a major gas pipeline in June. The project would feed Iranian gas to India and forge close economic ties amongst the three countries.


Like Ahmed Chalabi and his band of thieves did to us with Iraq, we've been played again. These folks have been playing the game for 2000 years before anybody even thought of the New World. We're like the guy from the farm in Iowa getting suckered into a 3-card Monte game on the street in NYC.

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