Thursday, April 27, 2006

It ain't just the rats...

I'm late for work, but I saw this over at the Palace:


I've observed that the RNC is basically a creature of the Bush Administration at this time, i.e. we seem to be expected to sing from the same hymnal as the President on virtually every issue. While I hope it will prove "worth it", I don't think I'm alone in the major donor community feeling disappointed that Iraq took on such a singular priority on our watch to the near exclusion of other issues. And, I have never really gotten over the blow to my confidence caused by the nomination of Harriet Miers - I think the polls started dropping then since many likewise saw it as a case of inexplicably poor judgment, and wondered how that case might relate to decision-making in general.


As much as I would like to continue supporting the Party at this level, I can't in good conscience write another $25,000 check at this time. So long as I have personal reservations, I can't be effective asking others for money, so I need to resign as one of the Eagles chairs. I hope the President will reconsider his position on immigration reform. I look forward to supporting only candidates who will stand up for American sovereignty, and I hope to support the national Republican Party again when it is no longer aligned with only one Republican's views. [my em]


Go see the King. See ya's this afternoon.

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