Sunday, April 23, 2006

It's all in the marketing...

Yeah, that's it:


This is an unabashed play to members of the conservative base who are worried about illegal immigration. Under the banner of homeland security, the White House plans to seek more funding for an extremely visible enforcement crackdown at the Mexican border, including a beefed-up force of agents patrolling on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). "It'll be more guys with guns and badges," said a proponent of the plan. "Think of the visuals. The President can go down and meet with the new recruits. He can go down to the border and meet with a bunch of guys and go ride around on an atv."


Read my post from this morning, fellas. People don't believe the bullshit anymore. You blew it with 'Mission Accomplished' and it's gone downhill since.

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