Saturday, April 22, 2006

Less is more...

If you're not reading Commander Huber on a regular basis, you should. You don't? Drop and give me 50! Seriously, on defense issues, there's no one better. He looks at what our military really needs (cuts right through the Rummy-speak) in language even a civilian can understand:


So here's my proposal. Start by cutting the Department of Defense Budget in half. Don't cut corners by chipping away at military veterans' benefits. Get rid of stuff, and quit making more of it. Dump at least two aircraft carriers and only produce one per decade, at most. Cut off funding for further procurement of Cold War dinosaurs like the F-22 fighter and the B-2 bomber. Bring along the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and make that the last of the manned combat aircraft. No new classes of submarines. The ones we have now are swift and silent enough. No new classes of naval surface combatants. If we didn't get it right with the Arleigh Burke missile destroyers, we never will. The tanks we have now are fine. You want them to burn less gas, give them new engines. If you want them more invulnerable, give them new armor.


Know what? The B-52s did the job in Vietnam and continue to complete the mission today, the youngest of them is 45 years old. Time to use some of the money we waste on defense to make this world a better place. And a note, follow the links at the bottom to his 'Next World Order' series. Excellent reading.

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