Wednesday, April 19, 2006

McClellan resigns, Rove retreats

WaPo complete with short video.

Karl Rove, the president's most influential adviser and a dominant force in the Bush administration since its beginning, surrendered key policy responsibilities today while press secretary Scott McClellan announced his resignation.

New WH Chief of Staff Bolten appears to be undertaking the Herculean task of metaphorically cleaning out the Augean stables. Unlike Hercules, he also has to fill them back up, but that should be easy: there's plenty of horseshit locally available.


Political Wire:

Having secured White House press secretary Scott McClellan's resignation, new White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten "has offered Fox News Channel anchor Tony Snow the job of White House press secretary," the D.C. Examiner reports.

The Hotline says other possible candidates may be Rob Nichols, Dan Bartlett, Torie Clarke, Dan Senor, Brian Jones and Ron Bonjean.

Well, we want more transparency in the White House, and I see through all of them.

Re-update: (No, I didn't ship over!)

weighs in:

I'm betting Senor will get the job... but not much.

He has blurbs on the whys and why-nots of each of them.


Attytood nails it:

White House introduces new press secretary: Meet "Beltway Bob"

Just go see!

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