Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Messicans worth $100. Each!

Radio Ink

As reported in the Mohave Daily News, Talk host Brian James of KFYI Phoenix suggested recently on the air that a solution to the immigration problem in Arizona would be to kill illegal immigrants as they cross the border. Two local officials feel those remarks may have intensified racial tensions in the state and they expressed that concern in a letter sent Friday to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.

Brian James, who's a fill-in talk show host with KFYI, said, "What we'll do is randomly pick one night every week where we will kill whoever crosses the border. Step over there and you die. You get to decide whether it's your lucky night or not. I think that would be more fun."

He said he would be "happy to sit there with my high-powered rifle and my night scope" and kill people as the cross the border. He also suggested that the National Guard shoot illegal immigrants and receive "$100 a head."

That guy better not be surprised when he gets a cuchillo stuck up his ass. Having dinner out might be problematic as well.

If that slimy little prick still has a job, I hope the FCC yanks that station's license. I also hope Phoenix radio advertisers do the right thing and stop lining hateful pockets by yanking their ads. We got enough problems without dirtbags like that stirring up talk of murder as a solution to anything.

Even as much as I hate certain people in this administration, I don't advocate out-and-out murder. Steel cage death match, sure. That's fair. The sight of me in a speedo (they'd think they were about to be mowed down by Fujiyama!) with my war face on would make any of 'em drop a load, if not kill 'em outright from fright or strike 'em blind from the reflection, but it's their choice to be there.

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