Thursday, April 13, 2006



...But I am intrinsically, tempermentally and constitutionally opposed to allowing Newt Gingrich and other architects of war to evade responsibility for their actions and give themselves political cover by handing them a "free pass" for their zealous efforts to land us in the middle of this quagmire.

Newt Gingrich does not equal Hillary Clinton. He does not equal John Kerry and he sure as hell doesn't equal Jack Murtha. Glenn Greenwald has an excellent piece up at Alternet today about Newt's history in branding anyone who opposed the Bush Administration and/or the war as traitors giving aid and comfort to the enemy:


Spot on, darlin'. It should be Repub = Warmonger. If Newt would have come out and said he was wrong all his life and now embraced Democratic/Progressive principles, maybe I'd give him the benefit of a hearing. But all these Rethugs and Neocons who've changed their spots over the past few weeks have only done it for political expediency. Fuck them all; get 'em all out. For guys like Newt, shut the fuck up.

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