Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Ya can learn stuff from these internets ya never knew existed! Hebrew porn? It boggles the mind...

From Ynet News

A group of ultra-orthodox hackers, shocked by the obscenity of some porn sites, has launched an internet campaign in a bid to cause such sites to crash. The hackers, already named at some internet forums the "ultra-orthodox sex commando," or the "ultra-orthodox electronic underground," focus their efforts at this point on Hebrew sites.

Those who tried logging in to the site found instead a photo of the Lubavitch Rabbi with the text: "We, the religious-net group, hacked into this site and erased all obscenities. The other sites we plan on bringing down are listed below."

They post a picture of Lubavitch Rabbi. That by itself would make me unhand the object of my affection!

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