Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Petrodollar, NO!, Petroeuro, SI!

An interesting article in The Republic of East Vancouver about the real reason to control the Middle East. I'll bet a petroeuro you can guess!

US sabre-rattling at Iran has less to do with global security and everything to do with keeping the US dollar the medium of exchange in oil markets

By now we've grown accustomed to hearing about the confluence of clandestine motives for America's invasion and occupation of Iraq. Even many of the administration's staunchest supporters openly acknowledge that Saddam was a dog without teeth and that this ongoing war has a lot more to do with controlling the flow of oil and capital in the Middle East (not to mention buffering Israel against Iran) than preventing a nuclear attack on America. There are many indications, however, that Hussein did indeed pose a very grave threat to the US - it just wasn't a military one.

Fast-forward to the present. Now Iran is opening an oil bourse (a fancy word for "commodities exchange") in which oil will be sold in euros rather than dollars. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez has also committed to the petroeuro. Both of these countries have recently cemented tight relationships with China, the world's number two oil importer. Of course, these gestures alone wouldn't likely bring Uncle Sam to his knees. But they're more than just a slap to the face and may be the beginning of a slippery slope that threatens to end the dollar's hegemony over world trade.

If America attacks Iran, it will be, among other reasons, to preempt the emergence of a multipolar, more democratic, world economy.

It looks like the rest of the world is figuring out how to gang up on us to try to bring us to our knees. Not that it wasn't inevitable or even that we may richly (ha!) deserve it, but I'm sure having Bush on the throne sped it up.

Don't worry. The world still needs us. For a while. We buy all their shit. Read the article.

The Chimp has to use the threat of "monsters under our bed" to get us to go along with his crimes because the average person just goes to sleep over economic stuff, which we're pretty ignorant about anyway, and doesn't get too worked up over it.

Besides, we got more bombs than brains. Especially in the White House. Making coherent policy is too much like work for this bunch. Their idea of politics is "Rule world, get check".

Plus, they're so insulated from reality they don't realize that threatening people doesn't scare 'em as much as it pisses 'em off, and makes 'em even more likely to smack us in the back of the head with a 2x4 the first chance they get. That's always worked for me as a last resort with bullies.

Totally unrelated but narcotically brilliant, I think we could end, even reverse, illegal immigration in one swell foop by going to the petropeso. Ha! Let's see how Mexico likes it when we flood them in our millions looking for higher paying jobs!

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