Monday, April 24, 2006

Thank you, Comrade...

Your information has been most helpful.


Many of the salient features of Khrushchev's government are readily recognized in our own current administration, including a slavish adherence to party unity (a rubber-stamp Congress), a complete inability to manage effectively during times of crisis (Katrina), ill-considered foreign adventures (Iraq), the subjugation of scientific knowledge to political orthodoxy (global warming, anyone?), ineptitude in fiscal strategy (the dollar risks joining the ruble as a symbol of the combination of great national strength and even greater financial weakness), the replacement of actual technical competence by blind party loyalty as the desired characteristic of all members of the ruling class (heckuvajob, Rummy!), and the abandonment of core national principles in search of selfish grabs for money and power (anyone ever hear of the Constitution?).


But the Russian empire began its slow descent into oblivion under Khrushchev, from a great power that had helped win World War II into a den of incompetent nincompoops who forgot how to make everything from suits to cars (though they sure could make great weapons systems!), and who gambled and lost too much of import in games of imperial adventure.

Does this sound vaguely familiar?


Link via my man Dave.

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