Wednesday, May 10, 2006


So, Podhoretz says a woman (Hillary in particular) has to be a bitch to be President?


PODHORETZ: OK, I'll put it to you very simply: The first woman president has to be somebody who has qualities that will convey to people that she can stand up before [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Il, [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden, all the worst men in the world, that she can pull the trigger when she has to, that she can negotiate, that she can stand tough and stand tall. Therefore, the first woman president has to be somebody who has qualities that we commonly associate with being unfeminine. She's got to be tough, she's got to be steely, she's got to be adversarial, and she's got to be difficult.


Lemmie tell ya something, you fat bastid. I'm married to a successful woman who's made it to the top of her field by being competent. She's been called a castrating bitch on more than one occasion, but only by insecure little men who were generally incompetent and threatened by her competence. Hillary might not be my choice to lead this nation, but that's on philosophical grounds, not on the issue of competence. You're one of those little men I speak of who feel threatened by a political operator who knows her stuff (love her or hate her, Hillary does). She is far more comptetent than your little monkey in the Oval Office and certainly more qualified to lead this nation, you asshole.


And Mrs. F would make a damned good President too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm married to a successful woman who's made it to the top of her field by being competent. She's been called a castrating bitch on more than one occasion, but only by insecure little men who were generally incompetent and threatened by her competence.
