Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Dealing with 'em...


I fear no one on the right. Ever. All they are capable of is wavering between ham-fisted brutality and self-righteous pecksniffery. They are outrageously pretentious and their bubbles so easily burst. I think it emboldens the entire left side of the blogosphere, knowing that those on the right are completely incapable of coming back at them with anything other than unimpressive, humorless thuggery.


Jane has more.

I've said this since I started blogging. The only way to deal with a bully is to come at him. As soon as a bully threatens you, you haul off and crack him between the eyes (or put a well-placed boot to his nuts; contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a fair fight). He'll never bother you again. Trust me, it works; been doing it since I was a kid on the playground.

This is what was wrong with the Dems, going back to the 2000 election (probably before). Say what you will about Al Gore (and I like him too) and John Kerry, they both came off as wimps. Pussy-ass bitches if you ask me. Especially Kerry, for his wimpyness in dealing with the Swiftboaters showed him for the pussy he is. Giving bullies their way only emboldens them. That's one of the reasons I don't want either of them running again.

Look, you all see it now, since we started fighting back. You saw Colbert the other night. He didn't wilt and die, he wasn't carted off in chains. Stand up, speak out, and if they try to push you around, kick 'em in the nuts. The Rethugs are bullies and the only weapon in their armory is the volume of their rhetoric. We can overcome that.

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