Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Dope"-sniffing dog does its job

This image is dedicated to Fixer and Gordon, two of my fave veterans and dog whisperers. And it's dedicated to "the pups" and Princess Shayna, all of whom would no doubt conduct themselves with equal dignity, honour and pride when facing the Master of Murdering Meanace, George W Bush. I wonder if Our Fearless Leader felt as terrified and humiliated, at least for a moment (I hope he flinched), as the prisoners in Abu Ghraib were when unmuzzled dogs were used during the "interrogations" in which such useful intelligence to stop the insurgency was supposed to have been gathered. And I can't let this post end without mentioning Tony Blair.

[I did a little editing of the HTML so it fit better on the page. - Fixer]

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