Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Equal Time

As long as we're talkin' about marriages, let's give equal time. Again, it's none of our business, but rumor and speculation are sometimes the stuff of life on a slow news day. From Firedoglake:

George and Laura Bush's marriage has collapsed as his approval ratings plummet and a host of mounting personal problems rip the first couple apart and push them to secretly lead separate lives!

GLOBE has learned that while George and Laura still appear as the first couple at various public functions, they hardly speak to one another in private and don't even want to be in the same room together.

"When the cameras aren't on, they have nothing to do with one another," a longtime friend confides to GLOBE. "There's no interaction at all."

"For all practical purposes, they've broken up."

I hope Jane didn't actually buy that rag, the Globe! Nah, musta just read it over somebody's shoulder in the checkout line.

If I was Laura, I'd be way pissed-off: Given Georgie's drinkin' an' dopin' ways, she was supposed to be a rich widow by now. Instead, he supposedly quit them and got all self-righteous and fucked up the country and the world, and she pretty much had to sit there with her mouth shut and let him, against all better judgment.

Laura, can you say Lorena Bobbitt?

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