Wednesday, May 3, 2006


Is it just me...


The Bush administration forecasts massive disruptions if bird flu or some other super-strain of influenza arises in the United States. A response plan scheduled to be released at the White House on Wednesday warns employers that as much as 40 percent of the work force could be off the job and says every segment of society must prepare.


Or do others think this Avian Flu will be the next '9/11' for the Bush administration? I mean, just reading the guidelines, it seems like a great 'in' to declare martial law, probably just before Election Day. Especially since it seems they're warming us up for it. Sadly, this is what it's come to. I take nothing this White House does at face value, and I believe nothing they say. It might kill me eventually, but I just can't take anything the government says seriously anymore.

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