Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday night out...

The Mrs. and I are going to the Long Island Beer Festival. I'll let you know what I found in the morning... If you're going and you see us, by all means say hello.


Well...that was the most disorganized event I've been to since I got in General Admission to The Who at Madison Square Garden in '76 or '77. The room in the Huntington Hilton was far too small for the tickets sold and one could barely move from booth to booth. That was aside from all of the 'professional' drunks, just there to drink as much as possible for the price of admission. We did manage to try some good HB from Germany before I got fed up. The bright side was all the proceeds went to the North Shore Animal League so I didn't feel bad leaving early. Next year, I'm just gonna write 'em a check and forego the beer festival. Just a note, as I sit here writing, the wife and I are enjoying a liter of Val-Dieu the comfort of my own home.

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