Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Good advice...

I hope the Dems listen or they'll be relegated to the 'also-ran' category again:


Many in the establishment believe that Democrats are in grave danger if they ever show they give a damn about anything. It's one of the reasons why people don't feel anything for the Democrats. And for some, the strategy is always the same no matter what the circumstances: when the Republicans are popular, don't make waves. When the Republicans are unpopular, don't make waves.

But think about this. Do the Republicans really want all these scandals being brought up constantly during the campaign? I don't think so. That's why they are trying to manipulate the Democrats into keeping quiet about them. Any six year old could see through this cheap ploy.


Thing is, the Dem 'consultants' are natural cowards. They're the rats that scurry around the perimeter of the room, scared of the light. As long as they get their share, don't make waves. Don't take a stand. I gather, at this point, the American people would rather more Feingold and less Lieberman.

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