Saturday, May 13, 2006

Heh . . .

Remember what I said yesterday regarding the major telecom companies' crimnal conspiracy with the Chimp?

So, since we got all these sharp legal beagles on our side, how come we haven't gotten a class action suit up against the Telecoms?


Well, heh...

TRENTON, N.J. - Two New Jersey public interest lawyers sued Verizon Communications Inc. for $5 billion Friday, claiming the phone carrier violated privacy laws by turning over phone records to the National Security Agency for a secret government surveillance program.


The lawsuit asks the court to stop Verizon from turning over any more records to the NSA without a warrant or consent of the subscriber.

"This is the largest and most vast intrusion of civil liberties we've ever seen in the United States," Afran said of the NSA program.


I might just be an idiot mechanic, but I smell a RICO prosecution if...just say...the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York grows some balls.

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