Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mrs. G's B'Day - and Free Food too!

Today is my lovely young bride's birthday. To make it complete, we're going out to dinner at our town's finest restaurant, O.B.'s Pub, and to make it perfect, we're going courtesy of Chris and Phoebe at Truckee Realty.

They send out a quarterly newsletter telling us how things are going, real estate-wise, and they always have a coupon for a drawing to win dinner at a nice restaurant. They do this mostly to see who reads the newsletter. Since we won one of these two years ago and had Mrs. G's birthday dinner at Cottonwood, I asked Chris how many people respond. Her answer was "Oh, sometimes as many as 20". A smokin' good chance to win, if you ask me!

As far as how old Mrs. G might be, well, she ain't tellin' and I ain't askin', but she got a card from one of her co-workers today that read, "I can't remember how old you are, but your cake last year had 29 candles - on my piece!"

I hope that gal ducked!

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