Sunday, May 21, 2006

My Spring Break, Part 3.1

Click 'n embiggen

As far as I am concerned, that could be my ten-mile-long driveway. I can just hang a "Trespassers Will Be Gleefully Violated" sign under "Pavement Ends". For some reason, Mrs. G wants more access to stuff - like a town, you know, stores and stuff. She reminded me that one of the reasons we're we're looking around is so I won't have so much snow to shovel. I told her that if we plan ahead a little and stock up, screw shoveling it! We could get a big fast snowmobile for emergencies, like all-you-can-eat nite at the VFW. Anyway, in the spirit of compromise, I have offered to only have a five-mile-long driveway. I'm flexible. Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Near here we discovered SNARL. Go see.

Picture taken not far above McGee Creek Campground.

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