Friday, May 26, 2006

Runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off...

Light-to-zilch blogging today. Mrs. G has to karmically pay for her birthday bash with a regularly scheduled dental appointment in Reno. It's been rescheduled once, cancelled as of yesterday, and suddenly back on today. I have to make an errand and shopping list, etc., in the spirit of conservation (read: $3.00+ gas) so we can combine things to make just one trip instead of also going on our normal shopping trip tomorrow.

I'll just leave you with a short reading list. There may be a quiz! Oh, what's the use? You all pass!

Paul Krugman on Al Gore's movie and the potential test of our national character that it may help pose.
Thanks, Tennessee Guerilla Women.

Robert Parry fingers the unindicted co-conspirator in the Enron case. You'll never guess who it is!

William Rivers Pitt
on impeachment and how the Republicans are using it to try and not lose the November elections. Don't miss this one!

What's left? Vote for us, or else we'll be held accountable! That's just funny.

See ya later.

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