Monday, May 1, 2006


Yes, just filled up my truck at $3.25/gallon for regular gas. The Pakistani who runs the local station at night (a very nice guy by the way) apoligized profusely and said prices would be going down a little today. Did me a lot of good then, but I have to fill up the Mrs.' Explorer and I can do it this afternoon and save a few pennies. I asked him if he's getting a raise, since profits are at an all time high. He laughed and said 'I am like the black man'. I asked him if he was gonna march today. I mean, he is an immigrant. He said the boss would fire him immediately if he took off (he works 12 hours, six days a week). There are a hundred guys waiting in line for his job and if he takes a day off he'll lose it. I've seen this guy so sick some days (he's been working there 10 years), he looks close to death but he's afraid to take a sick day for fear of losing his job. And this guy is a legal immigrant. Imagine how the illegals are treated. March today if you can.

On the bright side, the Mrs. goes back to work today. It's been 8 weeks already and her recovery has been excellent. Once again, thank all of you who offered kind thoughts and wishes.

I'm going to work.

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