Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why me?Seriously,WHY?

I have about had it with stupid crap like this.

Yes,this is the county I live in. And it's this kind of fucktarded madness that makes our schools mediocre at best. Consider too,that Cobb county is one of the wealthiest districts(and the second largest) in the state of Georgia.We could be nourishing some great schools here(the teachers I talk to btw,hate this shit more than I do,and that's saying something.And trust me,there are some teachers who find lots of creative ways to play around the no science allowed rules.But still,think about it,they have to SNEAK AROUND to teach.Disgusting),but nooo,we have to worry about panty sniffing little stick up the ass busybodies subverting an entire county school district.I'm PISSED.Looks like AOB may be addressing the school board AGAIN.

Note this gem:

"It had been the school's policy since 1995 to tear out chapters on evolution from science textbooks out of "respect for the family teachings of a significant number of Cobb County citizens," according to Thursday's opinion. But, in the spring of 2002, when the school district selected a new biology book that contained 101 pages on evolution, school officials decided to affix a disclaimer sticker instead of removing the section."

Ripping "offensive"parts out of science books?WTF? This is NOT a majority instigating this nonsense,for chrissakes,over 50 percent of the people who live in this county have a college degree of some sort.

Damn it,these freaking people can either homeschool or send their kids to any number of Christian schools in this area.

And the money and time the district has to spend on this FUCKING NONSENSE could actually,oh,I don't know,here's a novel concept, be SPENT ON THE KIDS. Why,that's crazy enough that it just might work.

God I want out of here SO bad.I've grown to hate living here over the last 5 yrs. Throw in urban sprawl(as I type this, a contractor is clearcutting about 50 acres of mixed growth forest across the street from me.The SIXTEENTH new subdivision to appear on this road in the last 18 months.Starting price on these homes?500K up to 1.5 million)and I'm about ready to start assaulting people on principle.

Ignorance can be battled with education.I don't loathe the ignorant for that very reason.But goddamnit,this is just Willfully STUPID,which I can not STAND.

So 2300 people signing a petition scares the shit out of the school board does it(consider the district has somewhere around 105,000 kids)? Good to know.Really good to know.

Would you like to bet me how many of that 2300 also belong to one of the local megachurches? This smells like a church campaign to me.Who in the hell do these idiots think they are?

Up to now,I hadn't noticed no evolution being taught,especially since I thought this had been settled.This year the kids in 6th grade had Earth Science and they talked alot about geology,which you can't really teach without going back farther than 6,000 yrs.Of course the kiddo has only been in schools here for 7 yrs,and his first three years were spent in speech therapy,reading comprehension and retention teaching,and in self contained special education class,which is actually a better education than mainstream classrooms. Plus,I make sure there's a ton of kid science books and grown up ones lying about the house. So as of now,my son gets that the earth is a few years older than 6000.

My question is,how in the fresh hell can you send a kid to college with no science worth a damn in their heads? This is making kids pay for an adult arguement that has NO PLACE in public schools.God this pisses me off.


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