Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dear Mr O'Reilly...

Shut the FUCK up already.In the name of all that is holy(and many things that aren't),re-god damned-tire.You sound like a mentally ill person off their meds.See a doctor,play some golf,and shut up.Call an escort service too,or something,regularly.But PLEASE,I don't want to hear about it or see you,anymore.I'm pissed I even know who you are.

You add NOTHING to the meaning of life,all you do is take.There's not one redeeming quality you have left Bill,you're a phony,an arrogant liar and a shill,and you and I both know it.And we're not the only ones.

Everytime I hear your voice and see your face I think of this guy I knew in high school. His name was Don,and Don had issues with women,minorites and pretty much anyone else who didn't agree with him,which as it turned out,was practically everybody who had morals and sanity.And poor Don,he asked girl after girl out on dates,to the prom,or wherever and none of us would accept because he was A MAJOR LEAGUE ASSHOLE,BIG TIME.And so,Don decided we were all feminsts,lesbians,or lesbian feminists.Who still wanted his manlyness,we just"couldn't handle it".Oh eww.Just fucking EWWWW.He also couldn't take no for an answer,unless another guy told him to knock it off.A bully bordering on molester,eww.The way this dude looked at any girl was creepy enough,eww,and you give off that vibe buddy.Did I mention...EWWW?

I sort of followed Don's life,for awhile,from a distance(we knew some of the same people) til I moved out of that particular part of the country,and I swear Bill,you guys had to have been separated at birth. Don,like you,actually ended up with a pretty solid gig,with all the perks.His longest marriage(out of 4 tries,last I heard)lasted 18 months,the wifey getting wind of hooker usage was a factor in at least 2 of those marriages ending rather quickly.He had every big boy toy one could think of,cars,custom mototcycles,a nice ass boat,a really lovely home,and still,he was a miserable,evil,nasty,smarmy little worm.It never once occured to him that he was lonely because he was willfully stupid,rude,and obnoxious.No,it was everyone else who was fucked up,he was just misunderstood and always right,that's all.And god was this loser bloodthirsty,but he'd run from a fight,unless the person was smaller and weaker.I suppose Michelle Malkin likes that sort of thing,or certainly Ann Coulter,but real women who love men aren't attracted to that kind of guy.You're old man in a trench coat creepy Bill,it's past time to pack it in.Take your toys and go the hell home.

I figure you never got over being rejected in high school,so someone's gotta pay.Anyone who says there's a War on Christianity knowing full well he's the author of a poorly written soft core porn novel containing a scene of a crack dealer having sex with teenage girls is deserving of derision and public shaming.What you did to Andrea Mackris should have put you in your place the second that info loofahed and falafeled it's way into the public record,but nooooo,you're still here running your mouth and taking America down the shitter with you and your ilk.Well,the rest of us don't wanna go where you're headed.Because we aren't stupid.And we won't let you win,just so ya know.You need medical attention,surely Fox or Westwood One Radio has health insurance,avail yourself,dear god,please,do it for the children.

Nothing,and I mean nothing,is stopping you from taking your money,and finding a lovely place on a beach someplace to write bad detective novels or something.Develop a main character and shoot for a series,maybe even a made for TV movie.Or find a house on a nice golf course,whatever works for you.Think of it as a community service,duty to your country for the first time.Or maybe you can't retire,because of some dirty secret habit,and those are never cheap.Still,I would think you have something tucked away for the future,right wingers are hoarders by nature,you can't be THAT broke.

Because Bill,you might be successful, but people still laugh at you,think you're losing your mind,and it's only a matter of time before you completely jump the shark in such a spectacular flame out that no one will be able to ignore it,and then your livelihood will be gone.And you'll be nothing but persona non grata,kinda like OJ,without the charm.Your prom days are over,get the fuck over it. Buy a tux and go dancing,get it out of your system and leave the rest of the nation in peace,from you at least.Throw your own retirement bash,go out with your head held a little high. I suggest gardening as a possible hobby too,it's quite calming,even if it is work.Stop and smell the roses,literally.

Now I know this has been a bit harsh,but in my family,when people reach a certain age,we watch out for signs they can't handle the things they used to.Like when we had to take Grandma's car away from her.We didn't want to,but it had to happen,for her safety as well as the community's.We let her do it with her dignity in tact,and it was tough,I won't deny it.For her and all of us.You dignity Bill is of course decreasing at an exponential rate,but you have a chance to take one for the team and bow out gracefully before it's too late.You're looking a little tired anyway,you're needing more and more makeup on TV these days,it's getting kinda like Tammy Faye without the mascara.

I think,had you not Forrest Gumped your way into a career,you'd be a bitter old guy who throws beer cans at kids who walk across his yard.That's kinda what Don's doing these days,or was last I heard.His gravy train job got outsourced,he had to sell off alot of those toys,and he lives(alone) off his little savings and pension,drinks too much and revs up his Harley at 2 am til a neighbor tells him to shut up or they're calling the cops.It's not pretty Bill,and that will be you,pretty soon.Think about it.

Going out of my way to never have to see or hear you again,

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