Sunday, June 25, 2006


Okay, I'm tired of all the blather about the 'discourse' from the 'crazy Left'. "It's full of invective." "No one participates in 'reasoned discourse'." I got one word for ya.


The time for reasoned, polite discourse was over when Bush and Cheney began their crusade to become Dictator and Regent. You want intelligent discourse? Save it for when this government is functioning properly again. Save it for the policy meetings that happen when true lawmakers, not rubber stamps, are running the Congress and occupy the White House.

Another thing people point to is the 'disarray' on the Left. Fuck them too. The Left is the realm of progressivity and that means many ideas swirl around constantly. That's what happens when there is a true Big Tent. I would not belong to a group who toed the 'party line' unflinchingly like a bunch of automatons. That is the great thing about our side, the wide and varied opinions about the path our nation should follow.

The discourse directed at the Republicans, and Democrats who give them cover, should be harsh. This group of people have done more to set this country back over the last fifteen years, let alone the last five, and should be called out. There is a reason the Left, and everyone else, should be angry. These people have returned us to the 19th Century, when railroad barons and industrialists ran this country to exploit the underclasses and enrich themselves.

Bush haters? You bet. In fact, I'll go farther and say I'm proud to be a Republican hater. I'm not going to be touchy-feely and 'reasoned' when I see what they've done to the nation I, and several million others over the past 230 years, put my ass on the line for. I sure as Hell am not going to be 'reasoned' when I see my brothers and sisters under arms being used as cannon fodder to continue an occupation while Republican campaign contributors get rich on the spoils and my tax dollars.

I'm fucking tired of this horseshit. I want them all out. The Repukes, Dems like Joe Lieberman, all of 'em and the time for politeness and niceties is long gone. I'm tired of the propaganda being shoveled at me like the high tide returning to the Bay of Fundy, and I'm tired of the puppets in the press enabling it. Yes, I'm going to call them all out, loudly, harshly, and my discourse will be full of invective because these people have perpetrated crimes against the American people and most of you out there have let it happen. Maybe I might get your attention before November.


How can you reason with this?

And just an aside, neither Kos and Atrios, nor the Townhouse email group (yes, I'm a member), nor anyone else, tells me what to say. I'd tell 'em all to suck my ass if they tried.

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