Sunday, June 4, 2006

Fucking New York 3

Remember my outrage at the cuts in anti-terror funding to New York and DC? (here and here) Well now I learn about the person who's in charge of making the cuts and reallocations. Do you think she is qualified for the job? Sadly, No!


The Homeland Security official who signed off on funding cuts for New York and extra cash for the heartland is a small-town gal whose back-door appointment to the job was mired in controversy.


Tracy Henke, 37, assistant secretary for grants and training, wasn't quickly confirmed by the U.S. Senate after her nomination last year because of allegations she played politics in her previous post.

So an impatient White House appointed her while Congress was in recess, drawing howls of outrage from lawmakers and sparking questions about her qualifications. [my empahses]


I got a 'back-door appointment' for her. Same one I got for O'Reilly This is what's in charge of Homeland Security funds:


The Homeland Security bureaucrat who shortchanged New Yorkers' safety by $80 million implied yesterday that guarding a Nebraska cornfield from an Al Qaeda attack is the same as putting a cop with a gun on the Brooklyn Bridge.


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