Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Geesh,I take a few hours off,and I miss all the fun

Everyone's favorite ewwwww-zing pustule 0'fun,Rush Limbaugh had a little run in with US Customs yesterday.....

Now if this was you or me,our asses would have been in jail for doctor shopping and having someone buy illegal hillbilly heroin for us.But I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding,really.

So,Rush was coming back from the Dominican Republic,eh? Just to be clear,I'm not implying anything here,but it is a rather curious situation.Viagra and a known sex trade destination? Nah,has to be a big old coinky dink,surely. Though it admittedly reminds me of Tom Delay's many visits to the Mariana Islands. But surely Tom had no clue whatsoever about all that stuff,because after all,he's a family values kinda guy....

And to steal a line from Driftglass,You can be a good American,or you can be a Republican,but you can't be both,not anymore.

Oh,and if there's any doubt,it's illegal to be using prescription drugs not prescribed to you.Penalties for that probably depend on the drug in question(controlled narcotics vs something like Viagra),but the doctor responsible can be in deep shit no matter what the drug in question is.At the very least their medical license could be in jeopardy.

This could also screw up Mr Happy Pant's previous plea deal.He does have one of Florida's best defense attorney's on his payroll,so he could skate,but judges tend to not take kindly to offenders who ignore their plea argeements.

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