Friday, June 16, 2006


The Republicans have finally pissed me off. AMERICAblog:

Funny, we simply "must" punish "law-breakers" when they're Mexican immigrants because "it would send a bad message" showing law-breakers any mercy. But when the law-breakers are reputed Al Qaeda terrorists who have murdered American soldiers, suddenly the Republican party becomes all warm and fuzzy. So the message for Mexicans seeking amnesty is what? Go to Iraq and pick up a gun first?

Why did Bush just fight a 3 year war in Iraq again? To let everybody go after they killed 2,500 American soldiers?

Amnesty for al-Quaeda is OK but amnesty for los mojados is bad? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Man, I hate the Republicans.

Note: "Republicans" without a "the" in front of it simply refers to an awful lot of misguided and stupid, gullible Americans. With a "the" it refers to the criminal class currently in power.

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