Friday, June 23, 2006

Holy Joe is toast!

Think Progress (Video & transcript)

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter appeared on Fox News this afternoon to discuss the war in Iraq. Coulter derided the lawmakers who have called for a redeployment strategy from Iraq, questioning whether "FDR [had] to deal with this during World War II." She argued that the only type of politician she "admires" is someone like Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) because he "does want to defend America and fight the war on terrorism." Lieberman has argued "our troops must stay" in Iraq.

Yo, Joey, ya lay down with dogs, ya get up with fleas! God only knows what you'd get up with if ya lay down with Coulter! Looks like an endorsement from the He-Bitch, so far.

I hope Joey's got his head in his hands wondering what he did wrong to deserve that!

Sometimes I have an awful hard time doing this with a straight face!

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