Friday, June 16, 2006


Or whore; whatever you call it. Principle is principle and explaining that you needed the money doesn't make it right. If I didn't have the money to run this blog, there would be no blog. I could make big money by getting a job at Blackwater tomorrow. I'd rather live out a box.


cut to just a few minutes ago. we were accepting a new slate of ads, when we noticed one about "the future of the internet." this time we watched the whole ad. yep. it was against net neutrality. so we rejected it.

we bring it up, because some other bloggers who will remain nameless have gone ahead and accepted the ad, with explanations to their readers that go something along the lines of, well, you readers are smart enough to know b.s. when you see it, and their money is as good as anyone's.

sorry, that rationalization doesn't hold water, at least not for skippy international. it's one thing to allow for all sides of a debate to be heard on your blog, it's another to enable destructive behavior.


Links to the nameless at Skippy's.


the blogs we speak of are some of our favorites, and daily visits for us. we don't plan on boycotting them. and we are a little afraid they'll be pissed at us for taking this stand.


I feel the same way, though I don't care if they're pissed at me or not. If you spend your time raging against the machine, don't become part of it. Principle and ethics are the bywords here at the Brain and yes, we hold our fellow bloggers to a higher standard than we do the Beltway crowd. You can't take the high road if you're willing to take money from those who are paving the low road.


If you'll notice, ad space here is free, has been for the last 2 years. The only requirement I have for placing an ad here is that its message conform to our principles. See how easy that is, and I sleep at night.

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