Friday, June 23, 2006

It's Bush's war, not ours

A BuzzFlash Guest Editorial:

The position to take is that it's not America's war at all. The issue is that it's George Bush's war. His own, personal, private obsession.

So much so that he was scheming and plotting for years, even before 9/11, to have that war. Then, after 9/11, he lied and misled us, he used members of his administration to lie and mislead, in order to convince both the congress and the American people to have that war.

Once he had the war, he and his people planned it ineptly and executed it disastrously.

It's his ineptitude and his disaster.

The Republicans will try, as they have in the past, to claim that it's everyone's war. That the Senate and House voted for it.

Fact #1 is that's not literally true. The war powers bill voted to allow the president to go to war without coming back to them if he determined that Saddam was an actual threat and there was no way short of invasion to deter that threat. There were ways. He didn't employ them. He avoided them. And went to war instead.

Fact #2 is they did so under false pretenses.

It's George Bush's war. It's not America's.

If he can win it, great. So far, George Bush has been losing it. That's right, so far George Bush has been losing George Bush's war. Not the army, not the liberals, not the media. Like Frank Sinatra, he got to do it his way.

After we accept that it was his war -- and that he lost it -- then America, led by someone better, can step forward and apologize on his behalf.

That's not cutting and running. That's America, taking the high road, to make up for someone else's mistake.

It's not really even a war anymore, is it? Bush won that. The boy doesn't know to quit when he's ahead, I guess.

The failed occupation will be all his, too.

Some new terms I saw today are "Iraqmire" and "Staying and Failing". I like 'em!

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