Saturday, June 24, 2006

Like "The Daily Show", only without the humor...

Pensito Review:

TVNewser is reporting scuttlebutt that the Fox News Channel is prepping a satiric news show to compete with Comedy Central's "The Daily Show, with Jon Stewart." According to the TV news blog on the Media Bistro website, the host of the show is radio talk show host and professional Clinton-hater, Laura Ingraham:

But seriously, to be a conservative means being born missing a funny bone, a handicap that renders them unable to perceive irony. Besides, as defenders of the status quo, it is the role of the rightwing to be the targets of satire. When they try to turn it around and take aim at the liberal establishment, they inevitably start taking potshots at minority groups or women, opening them up to charges of racism, homophobia and paternalism. As comedy goes, they might get away with it - if only it were funny.

Time will only tell whether Laura Ingraham is our next Jon Stewart - or just another Tucker Carlson flaming out in slo-mo on cable news.

I know which way the smart money is going on that one! In all fairness, as opposed to Ingraham, at least Tucker the Twit is cute!

There's nothing funny about wingnuttery and "right-wing comedian" is an oxymoron. I mean, look at Dennis Miller since he drank the Kool-aid - a really insightful funnyman gone down the shitter. The truly funny part is that they've lost what's left of their minds enough to even consider something like this. You can't make a funny silk purse out of a humorless dried-up old sow's ass.

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