Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More Republican "Do as I say, not as I do..."

U.S. News & World Report

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- When Gov. Ernie Fletcher's day is over, he leaves his Capitol office, climbs into a Lincoln Town Car driven by a state trooper and returns to the Governor's Mansion - which is just across the street.

Meanwhile, his administration is encouraging Kentuckians to get out and walk more for their health.

Fletcher and his administration have been under fire for the past year. He is under indictment on charges of illegally hiring and firing employees on the basis of their political loyalty.

Julian Carroll, governor from 1974 to 1979, said it would take nearly as long to get into and out of a car as it would to walk from the mansion to the Capitol.

"It never occurred to me to do anything but walk," he said. "I can't ever remember an occasion when I did other than walk. For goodness sakes, it's only 500 feet or less."

And when it rained?

"I carried an umbrella," he said.

Perhaps Mr. Fletcher could ride to work in a sedan chair. That would create four jobs - five on rainy days: someone's got to carry the umbrella - and those four employees would get in fine shape carrying his lard ass around.

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