Thursday, June 29, 2006

Never ask a cowgirl the size of her spread...

Following up on yesterday's post about Jim Webb fighting back at a swiftboating attack by G. Felix Allen, I couldn't resist this, and I promise to quit. Someday. Yahoo! News:

RICHMOND, Va. - Republican Sen. George Allen attacked his Democratic challenger's opposition to a flag-burning amendment, and James Webb retaliated by calling Allen a coward who sat out the Vietnam War "playing cowboy at a dude ranch in Nevada."

The news release by Allen's campaign said Webb's opposition to the amendment shows he is beholden to liberal Sens. John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Charles Schumer, who all voted against the amendment.

Within hours, Webb lashed back, calling Allen's news release "weak-kneed attacks by cowards."

"People who live in glass dude ranches should not question the patriotism of real soldiers who fought and bled for this country on a real battlefield," Jarding said.

Webb left the Republican party over Bush's handling of the war in Iraq. He has written novels informed by his Vietnam experience and a recent non-fiction book "Born Fighting."

There's basically two kinds of ranches in Nevada. There's the kind that raises livestock for market. These are usually out in Shit's Creek somewhere. Wonderful places if you like peace and quiet and don't mind hard work for low pay. Some of them cater to vacationers (dudes) and harvest alfalfa.

Then there's the kind where the livestock is full growed when it wanders in off the range. At these, there's more action in the bunkhouse than in the ol' corral. These are usually a little closer to town. Wonderful places if you don't like peace and quiet and don't mind not real hard work for pretty good pay. These joints definitely cater to "dudes" and harvest them.

Here's one that is world famous and has had an HBO special about it. Here are some others, just in case you find yourself stuck out in the desert with nothing to do.

So what does all this have to do with politics in Virginia, you may well ask?

Which kind of ranch do you think Republicans from Back East would prefer to hang out at?

Ride 'em, cowboy!

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