Friday, June 30, 2006

North Korea

I've been meaning to direct you to Lurch's place. He has links to photo essays about North Korea. During my handful of 'visits' across the DMZ (in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere), I never got to see the 'tourist sites', though I can vouch for the abject poverty in the countryside. Open sewage ditches are the norm and the infrastructure is crumbling, if any modernizing was done in the first place. I feel so badly for those poor people, under control of that insane midget. You know, I might have even supported a war to bring about 'regime change' and prevent NK from developing weapons of mass destruction.

Just think about that, ladies and germs. The third member of the 'Axis of Eeeeevil' has nukes (and the means to deliver them here), oppresses his people, and seeks to destabilize his region. Is it just me, or is the 'War Preznit' nothing more than a big fucking pussy?

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