Monday, June 12, 2006

Now they've done it...

The Islamists have gone too far this time! From YahooNews:

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militiamen shot in the air to disperse hundreds of Somalis protesting early on Saturday against moves by sharia courts to stop them watching the World Cup in the capital Mogadishu, residents said.

Similar moves by Islamist militia to close cinemas and video stores in Mogadishu last November triggered heavy fighting that killed at least 12 people and wounded more than 20.

Leaders of the capital's influential Islamic courts oppose Western and Indian films which they say promote immorality in the mainly Muslim nation of 10 million people.

However, the World Cup ban stirred resentment among locals, already weary of the fighting in Mogadishu that has killed 350 people in three months.

"The residents of this area are very sorry about the way the Islamic militia is behaving toward the people at a time when our society needs peace and stability," said Moallim Hussein Abdi, a teacher.

One teenager was defiant.

"We do not accept the Islamic militia stopping us from watching the World Cup," Ahmed Yusuf, 19, said. "We'll continue demonstrating until they relent."

Or until they shoot him. TV bad, shooting for Allah OK, I guess.

Can you imagine what would happen here if nutzoid religionists tried to stop folks from watching the Super Bowl? There'd be blood in the streets that would make Mogadishu look like a day at the beach!

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