Thursday, June 22, 2006

Operation Helmet

I am chagrined that I didn't hear about this until very recently, and didn't get the whole picture until yesterday evening while watching the gorgeous, sexy Anderson Cooper - er, that should have been Cher, on Andy's show!

What the deal is, is this outfit sends helmet upgrade kits to Marines and other servicemen in the combat zones. The padding kits "keep the head from becoming a clanger inside a kevlar bell", to use their words, and help prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries which are of high incidence during this occupation due to rockets going off next to your head and flying chunks of metal from IEDs clangin' inta yer gourd, etc. The Army has adopted the system, but the Air Force, Navy, and particularly the cheap-ass Marine Corps have not. The Corps says it "must study" the idea. Well, listen up, Jarheads, ya got the perfect laboratory in Iraq and Afghanistan!

I will donate* the cost of a Marine upgrade kit, which is $71. It's a lot for me, but doodly-squat if a saves a life.

Please go to and click around for all the details and info on contributing.

I hope some of you former military bloggers will pick up on this and post about it as well.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to e-mail your Senators about having these services adopt the upgrade without delay, either. And while you're at it, write to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and tell him that Corporal Gordon thinks he's a cheap shit if he doesn't start testing these things under actual combat conditions right away. He's at

General Michael W. Hagee
3000 Marine Corps
Pentagon 4B548
Washington DC 20350-3000

Lemme know what he says! I'll be under my bed...


The check's in the mail. No, really...

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