Thursday, June 15, 2006

Perfume those turds...

In case you missed it, take 7:36 and go see Jon Stewart interview Ken Mehlman at Crooks and Liars.

Stewart: You're the guy--I have sympathy for you because you're the guy who has to spray perfume on these turds. You know what I mean? You're the guy that has to go out and like no matter what (garbled) It's not an easy job. I mean what happened to these guys...

Did Ken say that Afghanistan was a failed state? When an interviewer (fake of course) asks pointed questions to the Mehlman's out there; they just cave. I keep posting these clips and keep shaking my head at how these talking point junkies are so easily debunked. Stewart has that ability. Mehlman actually looked very nervous.

Mehlman also said that "greed and cynicism" are the reason Republicans are the way they are, words to that effect.

I think Stewart should take over Meet the Press or Hardball. Won't happen as long as "Republican operative" is a job prerequisite.

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