Friday, June 23, 2006


Shakes raises the point:


Why can't our president learn how to respectfully refer to foreign dignitaries in public?! Honestly! If I were tasked with introducing, or even speaking about Bush, in a public appearance, in his presence, I would refer to him by his proper and appropriate title, no matter how much I wanted to call him a stupid fucking jackass!


Pauly hits it too:


At the risk of destroying my own spirit, I too would introduce that insufferable manchild as "The President of the United States" in public -- assuming there was no way I could escape performing the task...

I'll just give an example. I am on a first name basis with most of the small businesspeople on the Avenue where I work. Some I've known for close to 20 years. That said, there is a matter of courtesy and respect. When not speaking privately with them, especially in their own establishments, I address them by Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc. I'm on a first name basis with my dentist but I never address him as 'Steve' when I see him on the street or in his office.

It's a matter of respect for what my fellow small businesspeople have achieved and their place in the community. I guess the whole concept of respect is lost on Preznit Uncultured Dolt.

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