Wednesday, June 21, 2006

See ya's ... revisited

TOKYO, June 20 -- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi announced today that he will withdraw 550 troops from Iraq, ending a landmark mission that became Tokyo's largest military-related operation since World War II.

On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced that Iraqi troops would take over security next month around the southern city of Samawah, where the Japanese and other forces are stationed. Officials here have repeatedly said that the Japanese -- whose withdrawal has been anticipated for months -- had been awaiting that decision before finalizing withdrawal plans.


Can ya still call it a coalition when everybody but the Brits, Aussies, and us has packed up and gone home? The Aussies will be out just after their next round of elections, and the only one in Britain who wants their troops in Iraq is Tony Blair.

For all those people who called me an asshole for predicting this war would be just like Vietnam; when does it begin to not look like Vietnam? Or, do we have to have close to 60,000 dead before you people will agree that it does?

Big tip o' the Brain to our pal Scout Prime.

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