Thursday, June 29, 2006


Are they gonna fuck my neighbors over they way they did to New Orleans?

(New York -WABC, June 29, 2006) - It's being called the worst flooding the east has seen in decades. More than 200,000 people are waiting for flood waters to recede so they can return home. The flooding in New York is now blamed for at least four deaths and $100 million in damage.

States of emergency remain in New York and New Jersey and FEMA is expected to tour upstate New York in the next two days.

Levees around vulnerable Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania held against the swollen Susquehanna River on Thursday, ending an evacuation order for 200,000, but other towns anxiously watched as rivers approached record crests that threatened to extend the misery from flooding that already has killed at least 13 people.


They're still taking stock of the damage and some rivers still haven't crested. I'm not too confident federal help will be there when these folks need it. Fortunately for us on Long Island, almost everything drains right off.

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