Thursday, June 1, 2006

They Can't Win Unless They Cheat

The new Rolling Stone magazine should hit newstands tommorrow(?),and boy oh boy,are the wingnuts not gonna like this one.Heh.

Go follow Peter of Lone Tree's linkage at Blondesense....

The right wing keeps insisting that this isn't an issue,it's"old news","sour grapes",or we're just whiny little sore losers.Ummm NO.

A shitload of federal laws were broken here.And who knows how many state laws.

If you don't get pissed after reading this,I don't give a damn how wingnutty or moonbatty you are,then you need to go back and take some fucking civics classes.If you're against any sort of consequences for people who deliberately tamper with our,OUR votes,then get the fuck out of America,you don't belong here,screw you.

There should NEVER ,EVER, for any reason even be a QUESTION,even a suspicion that something is wrong or dishonest with our voting system.The fact that there is MORE than enough evidence to show that someone toyed with this shouldn't be a partisan thing,this is an AMERICAN problem,and if you're a Patriot,you'll want to get to the bottom of it.No politics needed.

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