Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tooting my own horn-just a little,you know,because I rock,and stuff.

Awhile back I wrote a post here called Living Democracy.Kind of a book summary of Frances Moore Lappe's book Democracy's Edge with my own riff.Remember that one?

A couple days ago Fixer forwarded me an email from Jess at the Small Planet Institute wanting to use my post for their Democracy's Edge website. I just got off the phone with Jess,she's way cool,btw.My post is now in it's entirety on their site with a link back to the Brain,if you wanna go peek. Scroll down the page a bit to find their link back to the Brain to the original.

I know,I also promised a series out of this whole thing,but life keeps messing with me.Still dealing with a certain 12 yr old boy's broken teeth(3.5 ish hours at the dentist AGAIN yesterday,with one more appt to go for a total of FIVE mega sessions).For some reason yet to be determined I've broken out in hives(itch,scratch,ouch,itch,scratch,ouch) on my legs and the inside of my elbows.Then I find out this morning my daughter is pregnant with baby #3(which while I love babies and love her,I'm pissed,she was supposed to go to college this fall.I was trying to help her find grant money to go to tech school because that's the only option in that area to get her off welfare and into a paying job.She's known she was pregnant for a few weeks now and decided to fess up this morning.I should have just kept my nose out of her business or she should have just told me to.CRAP!),which is a blessing-it's a baby after all,but the timing sucks.She's not even 24,by the time she is 24 she will have 3 kids ages 4,18 months and brand new.School ain't gonna happen,neither is a job.It's probably a good thing she's in Ohio and I'm in Georgia so I don't go to her place and smack her upside the melonhead.I'll come around,these are my grandbabies and my own big baby after all,but I'm annoyed,to put it mildly.She's young though,she'll probably be like me and get her clue later in life.(((sigh)))And I'm only 46,should I have this many grandkids yet?So now I'm mad because she's making me old before my time too.(ok,not really,I'm being snarky).

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